Download Pebble Nav Me (Trial) 1.92 APK for Android

Pebble Nav Me (Trial) 1.92
File name: Pebble-Nav-Me-(Trial).APK
ID: com.batescorp.pebble.nav
Version: 1.92
File Size: 2.4Mb

Pebble Nav Me (Trial) Screenshots

Download Pebble Nav Me (Trial) APK for Android
Download Pebble Nav Me (Trial) APK

Pebble Nav Me (Trial) Details

For those experiencing the "Connection Slow" issue I just received an email from a user that "resolved" the issue by reseting the bluetooth connection on the phone. To reset the bluetooth connection 'forgot' the bluetooth connection and then recreated one with your phone.

*** Notice ***
- Please join us over at
- Make sure to update your pebble watch app
- Administrative permission was added to allow locking of screen when starting/stopping navigation.

Google Navigation on your wrist.
Automatically detects when Google navigation has started and displays the next direction in realtime.

- Menu (Double click back button)
- Color Change
- Alert (Enable/Disable)
- Backlight (Force always on)
- Cancel Navigation
- Start Navigation

- Alerts
- Approaching next turn
- New direction available
- GPS lost
- Pebble connection lost
- Navigation canceled before reaching destination

- Realtime information
- Distance to next turn
- Estimated arrival time
- Total Distance remaining
- Next turn instructions
- Icon representing next direction

- Advanced Features
- Override back to return to previous application
- Flash support to display turn then return to previous application

- Automatically starts Pebble App on Alert to avoid missing important information even if you are in anther Pebble App.

- Multiple Screens, Click and hold select to switch been big and detail view.

What's new in Pebble Nav Me (Trial) 1.92

- Added show ETA
Pebble Nav Me (Trial) | 1047 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.2

Download Pebble Nav Me (Trial) 1.92 APK