ID: netd.c.callnote
Version: 1.0
File Size: 3.1Mb
Reminder or notes for call Screenshots
Reminder or notes for call Description
------------------THis is Great app for reminder things during calls ----------------If you miss something during the call,
this is the key feature for you.
-- > This app allow you to add, edit , delete the note ,
-- > Before And After the call , if you would like to say something to your contacts and you often
forgot to say , this app will help you a lot,
-- > This app will let you one step ahead ,
and make your reputation againts the clinet or your contacts .
-- > Call Notes is great for all parts of your life:
business relationships, networking, dating If you have any issue or need help,
please e-mail to us via About us - > support (?) Tap on .. Thank you!
We love talking to our users! Feel free to send us any questions or suggestions you have!