ID: com.macdom.ble.blescanner
Version: 2.0
File Size: 3.3Mb
BLE Scanner: Read,Write,Notify Screenshots
BLE Scanner: Read,Write,Notify Description
We are developers and we love to help developers.A great usable utility when doing development for Bluetooth Low Energy.
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Scanner app is to build a tool to discover, explore and interact with the services and characteristics in the remote BLE SmartDevices around. It could be used as a reference for BLE central apps as well as a useful tool to test the Bluetooth communication.
Main Functionality BLE Scanner
# Explore BLE device nearby.
# Getting live Receiver's Signal Strength (RSSI).
# Explore BLE Services and Characteristics.
# Cover all SIG approval known Services and Characteristics.
# Read, Write and notify Characteristics.
# Characteristics update about permissions,format type and properties.
This app is special for Developer use & only for BLE base smart device scan.
## UPDATE v2.0 ##
# Sorting devices by Name,MacAddress,RSSI,Bonding Type, Device Type.
# Update device type & Bonding type.
Known Issues:
Peripheral name should not be null.
Features of BLE Scanner: Read,Write,Notify 2.0
# Scanning period features.# About us.
# Revise BLE stack level issues.