ID: com.blong.bluetoothchat
Version: 1.0.4
File Size: 0Mb
Bluetooth Chat Screenshots
Bluetooth Chat Description
Simple demo program that uses Bluetooth to allow chat between two paired Bluetooth devices. Note that this means the app will be pretty useless unless you install it onto two Android devices.This demo app comes from the Android SDK. Originally written in Java, it has been ported to Oxygene for Java and had some bug-fixes along the way.
The primary bug was that exiting the UI did not kill off the attach Bluetooth connection acceptance threads (well, they were killed and then erroneously restarted). So when you restart the UI and subsequent connections did not appear in the UI. Unhelpful. That's been fixed.
Also the code has been massaged to give a traditional Android look on pre-Honeycomb Android versions and to use the recent ActionBar and "holographic" theme on Honeycomb or later (Android 3.0+).
When used on Android 2.3.3 or earlier there is an options menu triggered by the menu button.
When used on Android 3.0 or later the menu items are placed on the ActionBar as much as possible. Any that don't fit appear on the options menu. If they all fit there is no menu. Note that the 'Connect a device - secure' and 'Connect a device - insecure' choices both use a built-in search icon on the Action Bar and appear in that order. That's just the way the demo was laid out.
Bear in mind this is only a relatively simple demo available to any Android developer (despite the fact that one developer has uploaded the original version to Google Play for a princely sum...) - don't expect too much of it! It's uploaded here simply to make available the slight improvements of the bug fixes and Android version awareness, and because it's coded in Oxygene for Java.
If there are other bugs in the app, please let me know and I'll try to address them.
Features of Bluetooth Chat 1.0.4
1.0.4 Some extra checks in the code, and now deployed in Release mode, to limit vulnerabilities.1.0.3: Some FC bug fixes
1.0.2: The insecure connection menu option is now not displayed on Android versions that don't support it.
1.0.1: Apparently insecure Bluetooth connection support was added in Android 2.3.3. If running an earlier version when you choose to make an insecure connection you are now informed of the lack of support for that feature.