Download Crossword Puzzle (Fill in) 2.5.0 APK for Android

Crossword Puzzle (Fill in) 2.5.0
File name: Crossword-Puzzle-(Fill-in).APK
ID: turdus.crossword
Version: 2.5.0
File Size: 3.2Mb

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Free Download Crossword Puzzle (Fill in) APK
Free Download Crossword Puzzle (Fill in) APK
Lastest Crossword Puzzle (Fill in) APK for Android

Crossword Puzzle (Fill in) Description

Solve 4500 crosswords by filling all squares with letters, by choosing the correct word on every place.
You will be given a list of words that all will fit in the non black squares.
Touch a red or yellow square to place a word, and it will be strikeout and not possible to choose again.
The crossword is completed when all the words are placed on the board.
Just fill in all the none black squares

There are four boards 8 squares wide and 16 squares high or 12 squares wide and 12 squares high or
15 squares wide and 15 squares high or
20 squares wids and 20 squares high.
There will be new crosswords added later on.

Compare your number of solved crosswords with others online through Swarm.

tags: word fill in, crossword, puzzle, crusadex, cruzadex

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What's new in Crossword Puzzle (Fill in) 2.5.0

Minor bug fixes
Minor bug fixes
300 new crosswords
Minor bug fixes
Sorry for one more update, but trying to fix problem with someone not able to update the app.
500 new crosswords
500 new crosswords
Made it easier to see used words
650 new crosswords
Added 50 20x20 crosswords.
Added another 500 new croswords of size 12x12 and 15x15.
Added possiblity to change the colors of the boards.
Minor bug fixes
Crossword Puzzle (Fill in) | 86 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.3

Download Crossword Puzzle (Fill in) 2.5.0 APK