ID: air.emsnoteemsoperations
Version: 4.4.0
File Size: 0.8Mb
EMS Notes Screenshots
EMS Notes Description
EMT and Paramedic note taking tool for use onscene. Log your call info, vitals, treatments, call times, and pretty much everything else.** Will not work on the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3
** On some devices the font will be small. You can adjust this under options**
Longer trial offered. Try it out for a shift at work and if you find it's not for you let me know for a refund.
** Take and send the hospital an image of the ECG strip or MVA **
** Special support for the UK and Australia **
Special features include:
-Signature Forms:
1) Signature Form - Medicare compliant
2) Informed Patient Refusal
3) Transport Variance Authorization
4) Narcotic Administration
-Export / Import Merge calls.
-Combine call data with your partner or first responder via bluetooth - requires bluetooth and bluetooth app. I use Bluetooth File Transfer, a free app. Detailed instructions on optimizing and using it can be found on the help page. (located from the menu in EMS Notes)
-Respiration timer - no more looking at your watch
-Contraction tracker
-Drip calculator for certain drugs (will add more, just email me)
-Audio and visual ques to help you set a drip
-Select from preset drugs, drug doses, treatments, call location, destination, and how the call was dispatched
-Preset PMH, allergies, meds
-Customize your presets
-Archive calls
-GCS 3 part input and display
-Send as Email using default email app or send direct from EMS notes
-Send as Email using default email app or send direct from EMS notes
-Email as PDF attachment
-Export as PDF for printing (use other apps for printing such as Cloud Print)
-Call in your Patient reports from the app. Includes Phone list for storing multiple phone numbers for one location.
---hit your menu button for options---
Export call data straight into the Narrative Engine desktop application.
I am a full time paramedic and I use it every time I work on the truck. I made it to make my job easier and now I present it to you.
Any problems or want a feature added email me before negative comment I will reply soon and fix. --
for updates follow me @emsops
Change Log moved to
Features of EMS Notes 4.4.0
4.4.0- updated the look and layout of the PDF file
- better support for portrait images in the PDF file
- improvements to the images screen
- layout change of the treatments screen
- from the DOB the age now displays either y/o, m/o, or d/o
- bug fixes
- add your logo to the pdf file (options screen)
- added ability to browse for images to include in the pdf
- layout changes to better support the freakishly large resolutions of some devices (S4)