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Francigena 1.0
File name: Francigena.APK
ID: com.itn.francigena
Version: 1.0
File Size: 5.6Mb

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Francigena Details

"The Via Francigena is a symbol of the cultural, religious and humanist inheritance of Europe, the values of which, still present in its heritage, have embedded within the life of society the central role of the human person and his or her inviolable and inalienable rights, and respect for the right '
(The draft Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe)


The Lazio Region has identified the location of the Francigena route a priority to enhance and promote integrated land. This aim is in perfect harmony with the purposes of the Regional RomaNatura that has among its main tasks the institutional promotion of the natural heritage, structures and the development of sustainable activities within the areas under its control and welcomed in this positively sense the project of enhancing cultural, tourism and environmental Via Francigena recognized by the Council of Europe and supported by the regional jurisdiction.
Considering that the final stretch of the Via Francigena before arriving at the Basilica of St. Peter, affects some areas managed by our organization, or Nature Reserves dell'Insugherata and Monte Mario, hopefully a growing movement of pilgrims within these areas.
The route runs on almost any area of the green area of great scenic beauty with the opportunity to observe some artifacts of historical value such as villa attributed to the emperor Lucius Verus, the tomb of M.Vibo Mariano, better known as the Tomb of Nero and an ancient fountain (for renovation) exit on Conti Street.
Within the scope of their national and regional project for the development of the Via Francigena, RomaNatura has set specific targets listed below:

 To provide access routes for the areas affected by the related Entity RomaNatura of the Via Francigena, Insugherata and Monte Mario park’s.
 To enhance existing features of particular importance from the point of view of natural and cultural history. Both reserves preserve vast areas of woodland within the city, very close to the city center, a feature almost unique among the major European cities.
 Ensuring a safe and accessible location for pilgrims and tourists who choose to walk to the capital
 Promote a type of tourism already in sustainable power that enhances even the agri-food and activities related to accommodation and dining routes
Our part is already covered and reported on many sites connected to the Via Francigena and recently appeared with GPS in a publication of the Touring Club (La Via Francigena nel Lazio - Radicofani, Proceno, Rome) produced by the Lazio Region, Department of Culture .
You enter the Insugherata Nature Reserve, Via Cassia to come out in 1081, via Conti from which you can reach via Trionfale go straight to Via della Camilluccia from where Via De Amicis you enter the Natural Reserve of Monte Mario. From the Belvedere takes the road to the historic center of Rome through Porta Angelica to come to St. Peter's.


• Nature Reserve dell'Insugherata : Entry Insugherata Via Cassia 1081 - Street exit Conti - Via Gualandi - Trionfale Way
• Towards the Natural Reserve of Monte Mario: Trionfale Way, Piazza Monte Gaudio, Via Igea, Piazza Walter Rossi, entry into the Park of Monte Mario in Via De Amicis - via Trionfale - Viale del Parco Mellini, belvedere overlooking St. Peter's Basilica - via Trionfale - Stairways Monte Mario - Borghetto San Lazzaro - Via Leone IV - St. Peter

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