Download GL TRON 1.1.1 APK for Android

GL TRON 1.1.1
File name: GL-TRON.APK
ID: com.glTron
Version: 1.1.1
File Size: 2.8Mb

GL TRON Screenshots

Free Download GL TRON APK for Android
Free GL TRON APK for Android

GL TRON Details

Android port of the open source glTRON a 3D lightbike racing game.

Relive the film as you try and cut off your opponents before they cut you off!!

The original and still the best Android port of GL TRON

Now with user options

1) Bike Colour select from 6 colours
2) Toggle Music / SFX on/off
3) Toggle FPS counter
4) Change Camera mode
5) Select number of players between 2 and 6
6) Select Arena Size (Small, Medium, Large)
7) Select Game Speed (Slow, Normal, Fast, Extreme)

Note: Increasing the Arena size and adding players reduces performance.

Based on version 0.7 of glTRON found at

Code is under GPL and can be found here:

A wiki is also located there for help comments etc...

A copy of the GPL license can be found here:

Please note that if you wish to re-release this code you must adhere to the GPL which means making your code change available to others.

Features of GL TRON 1.1.1

1.1.1 - Bug fixes
1) Back key now exits game (broken in last update)
2) Birds eye camera view fixed (was defaulting to normal)
1.1 - User preferences added
1.0 - Initial release
Tested on
Samsung Nexus S
Samsung Galaxy S3
GL TRON | 10583 Reviewers | | Rating: 4

Download GL TRON 1.1.1 APK

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