Download Hazards App by PRC v1.4.1 APK for Android

Hazards App by PRC v1.4.1
File name: Hazards-App-by-PRC.APK
ID: com.cube.gdpc.phl.hzd
Version: v1.4.1
File Size: 22Mb

Hazards App by PRC Screenshots

Free Hazards App by PRC APK for Android
Free Hazards App by PRC APK for Android
Download Hazards App by PRC APK for Android

Hazards App by PRC Description

Cyclone, earthquake or flood -- the official Hazards app by Philippines Red Cross gives you instant access to the information you need to know to prepare for and respond to the impact of these hazards. Through an alert system feature and the ability to monitor and track weather developments, the Hazard app allows users to prepare their homes and families for disasters, find help, and let others know they are safe even if the power is out. 
Developed for the Philippines market as part of a global project by the International
Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent societies and Red Cross’ Global Disaster

Preparedness Centre the app features disaster preparedness guidelines, as well as early warning alerts.
The Philippine Red Cross Hazards App keeps you informed on how to:

• Assess your risks and prepare for an emergency
• Reduce your risks in the home and the community
• Take action in case of an emergency
• Prepare for an emergency by learning emergency drills
• Know how to respond to an emergency
• Learn how to prepare your household for disasters and emergencies
• Know how to make emergency and lifeline kits
• Learn how to make a plan in case of emergencies
• How to create an emergency communications plan
• How to create a family or household evacuation plan
• Respond to early warning systems

What's new in Hazards App by PRC v1.4.1

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Hazards App by PRC | 32 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.8

Download Hazards App by PRC v1.4.1 APK