Download HomeCast for Chromecast 1.21.1 APK for Android

HomeCast for Chromecast 1.21.1
File name: HomeCast-for-Chromecast.APK
ID: com.peterbee.homecast
Version: 1.21.1
File Size: 3.3Mb

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Download HomeCast for Chromecast APK for Android
Free HomeCast for Chromecast APK for Android
Free Download HomeCast for Chromecast APK

HomeCast for Chromecast Description

HomeCast lets you cast a variety of content to your TV. Photos, weather, call/sms notifications (for Phones), album art, and allows you to change dozens of settings on the fly.

Backgrounds – Cast galleries from 4 image sources, choose from hundreds of combinations of galleries and sort options:

500px – Beautiful photographs, 26 categories, unbelievable backgrounds! Shows camera settings details with the photos.

SmugMug- Gorgeous photos from an 'All Time' and 'Today' list. 65 SmugMug categories to choose from. Browse public user galleries.

Imgur/Reddit – Get any Imgur public gallery. Any subreddit’s Imgur gallery. Get a top 100 subreddit list. Save subreddit searches and user galleries in your list for later.

Flickr – Search Flickr for anything! Enter a search clause, add commas for 'OR' searches.

Go backward or forward in the galleries manually, cycle automatically, change aspect ratio settings of photos (original, always fill screen, fill photo size), add filters, and sort using source specific options. Randomize any gallery.

Weather – Get current and forecast weather data from anywhere in the world:

Includes weather condition icons to match the description, and it is adjustable in color, opacity, and size.

Search by location or postal code to get weather details for any location.
Automatic updates casted to your TV periodically. (Postal code search only US/UK/Canada)

Show the details however you want - Choose from visibility, pressure, humidity, cloud cover, precipitation, and wind speed (for current conditions). See high and low temps for forecast conditions (in either unit).

Time and Date:

Show a custom clock and date display.

Change clock format, date format, day of week display, and whether to display seconds.

Choose from 10 fonts, change the sizes, and the color.

Notifications: * for devices with an active cellular connection only!!! * If your device is not a Phone, this tab will not display *

Show incoming call information, on screen! Matches the incoming number with a contact in your list, and displays when you have an incoming call, or when the call is ongoing or ends.

Allows you to show incoming SMS messages on screen (through the standard SMS application only, MMS not included).

Change the duration of how long the phone or SMS information remains on screen.

Music Art and Info – great if you are docking your device:

Choose to cast music album art and track information to your TV. This works with the standard Google Play Music application only. Gets the album art and track information for the tracks you are listening to on your device, and casts the track info and art to your TV. * This does depend on accurate ID3 tags to a degree, but they are cleaned up on the fly as well *

Adjust album art size and opacity, and choose to display it for up to 30 seconds before it fades out.

Global settings:

Change text shadowing – allows you to change the text shadow angle, distance, color, opacity, and blur.

Screen padding – Many TVs have multiple display settings (‘Just scan’, 16:9, etc) which can vary slightly. If you don’t feel like changing that, change the Vertical and Horizontal padding for the text information right in HomeCast.

Plasma screen saver – Choose to pop the text around every few minutes to prevent static text from remaining on your screen in the same spot.

This app only uses call/SMS/phonebook permissions to display caller and texter data on your screen.

HomeCast sends out absolutely NO data about its users or user data to anywhere but your TV.

Please check out more sample pictures at:

Features of HomeCast for Chromecast 1.21.1

1.21.1 -
- Fixed a flaw with 500px features and sorting. Now what you see will exactly match the online site.
- Added a SmugMug user list to save users
1.21 -
- Added weather condition icons
1.20 -
- Brand new photo source added -
- Browse All-Time and Today galleries
- 65 additional SmugMug categories
- Search for users & display their public galleries
- Supports gigantic galleries
- Randomizing option added
- Subreddit count to 100
- 500px image count to 75
HomeCast for Chromecast | 49 Reviewers | | Rating: 3.7

Download HomeCast for Chromecast 1.21.1 APK

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