Download Mini Status Widget 2.13 APK for Android

Mini Status Widget 2.13
File name: Mini-Status-Widget.APK
ID: de.holetzeck.ministatus
Version: 2.13
File Size: 0.1Mb

Mini Status Widget Screenshots

Free Mini Status Widget APK for Android
Download Mini Status Widget APK for Android
Free Mini Status Widget APK

Mini Status Widget Info

MiniStatus is a small AppWidget for switching Wifi, Bluetooth and Airplane Mode (or GPS status) and also showing the battery level. Airplane mode can be toggled by a timer too. Only 1x1-sized widget!

Click the battery symbol to open the settings. Here you can enable the 'night mode' to turn on airplane mode at night automatically. This saves battery power and also stops incoming messages at night. It might be good idea to disable SIM card lock for this feature. Additionally you can select a Wi-Fi auto-off delay to disable Wi-Fi if there is no network available anymore.

After installation press home screen and select "MiniStatus" from Widget list to add MiniStatus to your home screen.

By pressing the small wlan, bluetooth or airplane symbol you enable/disable respective function. Pressing the battery symbol opens the settings dialog.

MiniStatus is free software (GPL), the source code can be found here:

Known issues:

- "Extended standby mode" on Sony Xperia phones must be disabled for using automatic night mode and Wi-Fi auto-off.

- Airplane mode toggling doesn't work anymore for Android 4.2 and higher due to security restrictions. Therefore automatic night mode also doesn't work. Currently there seems to be no solution for normal Android 4.2 (see hints for rooted devices)
See also

For rooted Android 4.2 devices (4.3 doesn't work currently!) you can install MiniStatus as
System App to have full functionality again:

- get latest APK from and install manually (from Google Play doesn't work!)
- open Settings (click battery symbol)
- open Root settings (menu button)
- install as System App

Key words: battery level wifi wlan bluetooth schedule airplane mode toggle switch status widget

Change log:

- user can choose between airplane mode or GPS status symbol in settings now

- fix for Android 4.2.2 and root: installing as system app was broken

- Android 4.2 and root: support of toggle airplane mode and scheduled airplane mode by installing as system app supported
- Android 4.x: usage of modern app widget design

- fix Wi-Fi auto-off issues for Android 4.x
- Android 4.2: airplane button opens system settings as it is now longer possible to toggle airplane mode directly (see Known issues)

Night mode is now delayed until no phone call is active anymore. Additionally night mode can be delayed until screen turns off (configurable).

Select a Wi-Fi auto-off delay to disable Wi-Fi if no network available anymore.

Automatic night mode: Click the battery symbol to open the settings. Here you can enable the 'night mode' to turn on airplane mode at night automatically. This saves battery power and also stops incoming messages at night. It might be good idea to disable SIM card lock for this feature.

Features of Mini Status Widget 2.13

- background can be set to transparent
- user can choose between airplane mode or GPS status symbol in settings now
Mini Status Widget | 22 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.1

Download Mini Status Widget 2.13 APK