Download MonQ - Memory Game 1.04 APK for Android

MonQ - Memory Game 1.04
File name: MonQ---Memory-Game.APK
ID: monq.main
Version: 1.04
File Size: 6.5Mb

MonQ - Memory Game Screenshots

Free Download MonQ - Memory Game APK for Android
Free MonQ - Memory Game APK for Android

MonQ - Memory Game Details

MonQ Memory Game is a simple memory game which makes the monkey to the genius.
Don't give up because it's difficult when you play for the first time.
You can actually feel your skills growing when you keep play.
Memory improving basic game. Challenge now~!!!

- How to -

Type A:
Press the numbers quickly according to the numbers that come out on the screen.

Type B:
The numbers will come out and disappear in an instance. Remember the numbers in order and press them quickly.

Type C:
The numbers will come out and disappear on the screen. Remember the numbers and press them in order.

Type D:
Green square will show and disappear on the screen. Remember the order and press them accordingly.

Features of MonQ - Memory Game 1.04

Minor bug fixes
MonQ - Memory Game | 43 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.8

Download MonQ - Memory Game 1.04 APK