Download Music Pump XBMC / Kodi Remote 2.5.1 APK for Android

Music Pump XBMC / Kodi Remote 2.5.1
File name: Music-Pump-XBMC-/-Kodi-Remote.APK
ID: ch.berard.xbmcremotebeta
Version: 2.5.1
File Size: 4.8Mb

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Free Download Music Pump XBMC / Kodi Remote APK
Free Download Music Pump XBMC / Kodi Remote APK for Android
Lastest Music Pump XBMC / Kodi Remote APK

Music Pump XBMC / Kodi Remote Info

Music Pump is a beautiful and feature rich Kodi Remote which has been optimized for phones and tablets. You can fully control your Kodi Media Center and stream media from / to Kodi.

XBMC / Kodi versions Eden, Frodo, Gotham, Helix and Isengard are supported

Main features:
* Browse your Kodi library from your phone
* Browse playlists / file sources
* Browse addons on your android device (due to limitations in Kodi this does not work for all addons)
* Stream Music from Kodi to your device or to bluetooth speakers or to a chromecast dongle
* Stream Movies and TV Shows from Kodi to your device (requires unlocker)
* Internal audio player to play files locally and stream them to Kodi and Chromecast (requires unlocker)
* Themes: light, dark (requires unlocker)
* Synchronize Music from Kodi to your android device (requires unlocker)
* PVR support (requires unlocker)
* Send Youtube videos from android to Kodi
* Send local videos and pictures to Kodi (using android share feature)

Other features:
* Select subtitles and audio tracks
* Download subtitles
* Caching of music database for faster access
* Resume video files
* Show / Hide watched videos
* Mark movies / TV shows as watched / unwatched
* Lock screen support
* Headset remote support (play / pause / next / previous)
* Music rating support
* Virtual keyboard
* Support for Raspberry Pi
* Customizable remote buttons
* And much more...

Some advanced features are only available after purchasing the unlocker.

Setup Instructions:
In Kodi go to System -> Settings -> Services and enable the following settings:
- Webserver -> Allow control of Kodi via HTTP
- Remote control ->Allow programs of this system to control Kodi
- Remote control -> Allow programs on other systems to control Kodi

- Yellow server icon: Usually the option “Allow programs on other systems to control Kodi” has not been enabled in Kodi. For more info see

- How to force Refresh Music Library: Long-press on the server name and select refresh music

- Music or Video library is empty: In order to see your music and video files you need to enable the library function within Kodi and scan your music and video files to the library.

- By default the application uses a “local” queue for music playback: This has the big advantage of having a very flexible queuing system. However this has some limitations you may not like: You cannot control music playback from more than one remote at a time (which may be good since other family members can't clear your play queue by mistake), skipping songs using a hardware remote control won't work since only one song is in the Kodi queue. The unlocked version has a feature to use the Kodi queue to bypass these limitations.

- Playlists are not visible: In Kodi playlists must be in a special folder. See

- Streaming music / video is not working: The reason may be that no source is created in Kodi (sources.xml). Some Kodi versions (e.g. raspberry pi) allow scraping of media files without adding a source. Kodi will only allow downloading/streaming media which is defined inside a source. In case of doupt ask in the Kodi forum

If you have a problem / request please use the thread in the Kodi forum at or send an email

What's new in Music Pump XBMC / Kodi Remote 2.5.1

* Fixed date offset in EPG
* Added Option for smaller volume increment
* Long-press album menu item to play random album
* Added option to share / queue content with a single click (can be enabled in settings)
* Updated translations
* Bug Fixes
Music Pump XBMC / Kodi Remote | 836 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.3

Download Music Pump XBMC / Kodi Remote 2.5.1 APK