Download One touch etiquette (Ver.Free) 1.0 APK for Android

One touch etiquette (Ver.Free) 1.0
File name: One-touch-etiquette-(Ver.Free).APK
ID: com.mannermode
Version: 1.0
File Size: 0.5Mb

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Download One touch etiquette (Ver.Free) APK for Android
Download One touch etiquette (Ver.Free) APK
Lastest One touch etiquette (Ver.Free) APK for Android

One touch etiquette (Ver.Free) Description

One touch of etiquette ? (Ver.Free)
(★ parents or modern designDear minutes is recommended for adults filial piety as a gift.)(Widget applications via a simple switch silent mode).(◆ shown above, after installation, without a separate icon on the desktop, the menu button -> Add button -> Widgets -> Select wijetmokrokjung MannerColor!)A. Through a widget in the sound with the touch of a button -> SilentTwo. Through a widget in the sound with the touch of a button -> vibrationThree. Vibration with the touch of a button through a widget in the -> SilentFour. Vibration with the touch of a button through a widget in the -> sound5 In silence through a widget with the touch of a button -> sound as6. In silence through a widget with the touch of a button -> vibration is available.Easy-to-compact,One-touch convenience Enjoy life as etiquette./ ** ☆ After installation, Caution! ★ added after installation without an icon from the list of widgets and add it directly ★ There is no separate icon. (Capacity to minimize) ★ For any questions or suggestions    please leave a comment within ppareunsiil will daphaedeu!* /

Keywords: free, one-touch etiquette, etiquette mode, etiquette, custom, wonteoki etiquette mode, quick menus, quick, widget, widget, Silent mode, etiquette, widgets, widget, using etiquette, manners mode, super etiquette, widget settings, silent and vibration , sound, nature, silence settings, sound settings, vibration settings, widget settings silent mode, one-touch manner mode, one-touch mute, one-touch mute settings

Features of One touch etiquette (Ver.Free) 1.0

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-Sang June Ahn
One touch etiquette (Ver.Free) | 29 Reviewers | | Rating: 4

Download One touch etiquette (Ver.Free) 1.0 APK