ID: jp.atlas.pricamfree
Version: 1.8.2
File Size: 4.3Mb
Pri☆Cam Free Screenshots
Pri☆Cam Free Details
------------------------ PriCam Renewal Notice ---------------------Added the Original Sharing Function to PriCam!
Let's share photos with people around the world.
You may have a new Discovery from the worlds photo!?
Take a photo, and then you can add text, decoration items, frames to it, or even make it into purikura style!
You can also save your created photo in Gallery on Pri☆Cam.
How about meeting your friends and sharing your photos?
・The free version has some limited functionality.
・Pri☆Cam can use the front camera. Devices with Android 2.3 or higher and the front camera, such as Galaxy S2, can take photos of yourself easily.
・Android OS version 2.2 or higher
・Pri☆Cam can use the front camera. Devices with Android 2.3 or higher and the front camera, such as Galaxy S2, can take photos of yourself easily.
GalaxyS2(SC-02C)、Xperia arc(SO-01C) 、Xperia arco(IS11S)、Desire、IS05、ARROWS Z(ISW11F)
----- The Original Sharing Function -----
・If you want to share taken photos to people all over the world, you can share photos with "World Gallery", using the upload feature. The free version can upload up to 10 per day.
・You can evaluate worlds photo with "Good!" Count Function.
Let's tap "Good!" More and More! if you feel "Good!" worlds photo.
・You can register a user to BookMark. Let register that user to BookMark, if you like photo!
----- The Normal Function -----
・Use the camera mode to take photos
・Draw the handwritten message with variable color and weight on your photo.
・Item or photo decorations can be added on your photo.
Item or photo decorations can be zoomed out, zoomed in or rotated.
・Pop messages can be added on photos by inputting text.
The inputted text characters can also be zoomed out, zoomed in or rotated.
・Frames can be added to your photos.
Even the frame overlaps with the photo, the photo can be adjusted by moving, zooming in or zooming out.
・Process your photo with effect filters.
The filters include: Sepia, Monochrome, brighten, darken, etc.
・The free version is not available for sharing functionality.
・Your created photos are saved in Gallery on Pri☆Cam so that you can reprocess them again in the future. The free version save 3 pages (27 images).
・As well as using them in this application, the photos you have taken are also stored in your device's gallery application.
We strictly forbid the unauthorized reproduction of any photos or images used within this Pri☆Cam.
The copyright for the photos and images within the application (Pri☆Cam) belongs to Atlas Co., Ltd.
This application handles photo images and thus uses a large amount of memory.
In some devices where the available memory is low, this application may run out of memory whilst processing the photos and may be unable to continue.
In this situation, the application displays a dialogue box notifying you that there is insufficient memory. Normally you will be able to press the button for closing the application so that once the application is shutdown then the memory is freed up again. Please note that some devices may not be able to restore its memory after closing the application.
What's new in Pri☆Cam Free 1.8.2
Shooting modeCan adjust the focus by tapping the screen before taking the picture.
Improved the problem of Text Decorationl.