Download Scientific Calculator 3 1.7 APK for Android

Scientific Calculator 3 1.7
File name: Scientific-Calculator-3.APK
ID: de.xipa.calc
Version: 1.7
File Size: 0.3Mb

Scientific Calculator 3 Screenshots

Free Scientific Calculator 3 APK
Download Scientific Calculator 3 APK for Android
Free Scientific Calculator 3 APK

Scientific Calculator 3 Description

Scientific Calculator 3 is an easy to use universal scientific calculator app for smartphones, tablets or other Android touchscreen devices. It evaluates mathematical expressions under consideration of the algebraic convention "brackets before power before point before line calculation". The rounding of results is adjustable between 5 and 15 digits. Available notations are normal notation (NORM), scientific notation (SCI) and engineering notation (ENG). Trigonometric calculations optionally in Degrees (DEG: 1°=PI/180) or Radians (RAD: 1rad=180°/PI).
Scientific Calculator 3 provides a large history display, where all inputs and results can be checked easily. This calculation history is kept until explicit deletion.

Scientific Calculator 3 respects your privacy: This app does not require any internet access and is free of advertising banners!

Functions on main display:
* calc operators: + - × ÷
* parentheses: ( )
* square root and power of 2: sqrt x²
* permutation: n! (in landscape format only or on tablets)
* reciprocal: 1/x
* percentage: %
* plus minus sign: ±
* memory: MR MS M+
* exponent (optional): Exp

Scientific functions via "sci" button and on large displays:
* power operator: ^ 2^ e^ 10^
* square and cube root: sqrt cbrt
* natural logarithm and logarithms of 10: ln lg
* constants: pi 2pi e 1/e
* trigonometric, inverse trigonometric and hyperbolic functions: sin asin sinh asinh, cos...., tan....

Scientific Calculator 3 is based on the Open Source Software Arity-2.1.6 "Arithmetic Engine for Java" (Copyright © 2007-2009 Mihai Preda), which is licensed under the Apache license 2.0.

What's new in Scientific Calculator 3 1.7

No retarding splash screen anymore during application launch.
Scientific Calculator 3 | 925 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.3

Download Scientific Calculator 3 1.7 APK