Download Sentence, SMS, POPUP 1.28 APK for Android

Sentence, SMS, POPUP 1.28
File name: Sentence,-SMS,-POPUP.APK
ID: com.aicrm.popup_sentence
Version: 1.28
File Size: 0.1Mb

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Download Sentence, SMS, POPUP APK for Android
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Sentence, SMS, POPUP Description

Sentence, SMS, POPUP

The program,

Displayed on the screen at the top of all the usual ,

Sentence is a program that you can use at any time .

Input your data is stored on the server , so an Internet connection is required.

Therefore, even if the phone is changed there is no need to enter again .

* In some applications, the system in the case of this program, there may be a Kill.

** How to use

- [S] icon and then the [Sentence], [SET], [EXIT] menu to show / hide the toggle.

- Location move: [S] icon and then pan around the state .

- Sentence registration: Click the [SET] button in the upper right corner of the screen that appears , click the [+] button .

- Modify Sentence : Click the [SET] button in the list that appears , click the Sentence .

- Remove Sentence : set out in the list by clicking the button , click the [Sentence] long .

- Use Sentence : click the [Sentence] button you want from the list that appears when you select the Sentence , the content is stored in the clipboard .
Long click on the desired screen and use the Paste Special .

- Exit : Exit button.

- Task Killer to shut down a program, for example, be careful not to program .

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