Download Shri Harikathamruthasara 1.0 APK for Android

Shri Harikathamruthasara 1.0
File name: Shri-Harikathamruthasara.APK
ID: com.devloop0.shrihks
Version: 1.0
File Size: 4.4Mb

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Shri Harikathamruthasara Description

Important: This app is an update of Shri HKS -- it is such a overhaul that I felt the need to create a completely separate app.
The purpose of Shri Harikathamruthasara is to attempt document the magnum opus of Shri Jagannatha Dasaru, the Harikathamruthasara, to the Android platform. This app puts the entire thirty-three sandhis of the Shri Harikathamruthasara into one place. The meanings for the English version of the app are present and the ones for the Kannada version are in the works.
There is built in search for the English version of the app and a libraries feature that will soon include many more stotras other than the Harikathamruthasara for users to browse.
Most importantly, this app is under active development so please suggest any changes that you would like and I will try my best to accomodate them.
Thank you for downloading this app and may the blessings of Shri Hari, Vayu, and Guru be on your family.
Shri Krishnarpanamastu.

Features of Shri Harikathamruthasara 1.0

*Bug fix for adding new stotras.
*Added HKS Audio.
Remember, your suggestions matter, so continue suggesting what stotras you would like to see next.
Shri Harikathamruthasara | 33 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.7

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