ID: io.vizz.slimtv2
Version: 1.8
File Size: 14Mb
Slim TV Screenshots
Slim TV Description
This app support advance rtmp options that's used by librtmp. For example: rtmp://localhost:1935/live playpath=channel1 swfUrl=http://localhost/player.swf live=1 pageUrl=http://localhost/ token=hdg&bdh#hd
SlimTV support for play and download P2P stream like Sopcast and Acestream.
New Features:
- New user interface for better navigation
- Open .acelive and .torrent files
- Open live stream with other app
- Share live stream with other device or desktop in the same Wi-Fi network
- Support for x86 devices
- Auto switch hardware and software codecs for better experience
- Much better hls (m3u8), acestream and sopcast playback
- Huge improvement for download feature
- Play local video file
- Save stream link as favorite
- Simple favorites listing and management
- Capture screenshot, for live or local video
- Record stream, simultaneous download still untested
- Toggle fullscreen mode with double tap
- History list
- Video playback settings and speed control
- M3U playlist file support, local file or from internet
- http-user-agent option support
- Search feature for favorites, playlists and histories (new)
Features of Slim TV 1.8
Version 1.8:New Features:
- New user interface for better experience
- New support for x86 devices
- New feature for play media with other app
- New network feature for share live stream with other device or desktop
- New support for playing .acelive and .torrent file
- Rewrite code for Acestream, Sopcast and download feature and fix many problems in previous version
- Better hardware codecs for improve performance
- Auto switch software and hardware codecs options