Download Voice Notify 1.0.12 APK for Android

Voice Notify 1.0.12
File name: Voice-Notify.APK
ID: com.pilot51.voicenotify
Version: 1.0.12
File Size: 0.2Mb

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Voice Notify Info

Voice Notify announces status bar notification messages using Text-To-Speech (TTS) so you don't need to look at the screen to know what a notification says.

*Optionally read toast notifications (Android 3.0+)
*Widget to suspend VN
*Customizable TTS message
*Ignore specific apps or notifications containing defined text
*Choice of TTS audio stream
*Choice of speaking when screen or headset is on or off, or while in silent/vibrate mode
(Note: Due to API limitations, a headset that is connected when the VN service starts will need to be reconnected for VN to see the current state; also all Bluetooth devices are detected the same, headset or not)
*Quiet Time
*Custom delay of TTS after notification
*Repeat notifications at custom interval while screen off
*Notification log
*Post a test notification

Bluetooth - Required to detect whether Bluetooth headset is connected.
Vibrate - Required for Test option while in vibrate mode on Android 4.2+.
Modify Audio Settings - Required for improved wired headset detection on Android 2.0+.

VN operates through Android's Accessibility service and must be enabled in the Accessibility settings.
Shortcuts are provided in the configuration screen to open the Accessibility and TTS settings.
While VN uses the Accessibility service, it is intended to be a convenience tool and not an accessibility tool.

The Accessibility service will give a warning that VN may be able to collect personal data. This is because Accessibility doesn't know what or how data passing through it is used by enabled apps. VN only uses Accessibility to read notification text which is passed directly to TTS and temporary memory (for the notification log). The TTS engine, outside the control of VN, may also use spoken text for other purposes.

Be aware of the accessibility apps that are enabled when you enable VN! If the behavior of system UI changes, it is most likely caused by other accessibility apps that were enabled when VN/Accessibility was turned on. If you believe this is not the case and VN is causing issues for you, please contact me.

Behavior of audio streams may vary by device or Android version, so I advise doing your own testing to determine which stream is right for you. The Media stream (default) should be good for most people.

Please email me or submit any issues at
I cannot reply to Android error reports unless you leave contact info in the message. Issue reports often require that I ask for more details and/or provide troubleshooting steps.
If necessary, you can sideload any version from

VN is open source under the Apache License.

1karu5 (Support for new widget picker)
Scott Albertine ('Pause/dim media' option)
Chris Rae "pugwonk" (Improved headset detection for Android 2.0+)

Translation is crowdsourced at
If for any reason you can't or don't want to use Get Localization, you can always email me or contribute directly to the GitHub project.

French: caliann, Souln77, Titan44
German: massimo2001
Hungarian: njozsef
Italian: Teorouge
Russian: Max Ponomaryov (ceejay), vanetned
Spanish: PaoloNB

I am not responsible for the notifications that are announced. It is up to you to use the features provided, or not use VN, to prevent unwanted announcing of notifications.
If you want VN silenced on a more flexible schedule than what Quiet Time provides, I would recommend using an app such as Timeriffic. (Not affiliated in any way, just what I use personally)

What's new in Voice Notify 1.0.12

Problems after update? Older versions:
-Fix Google Now hotword disabled while VN service running.
-For Android 2.0+, use better detection for headset connectivity. Requires Modify Audio Settings permission. (thanks pugwonk/Chris Rae!)
-Fix issue #24: Shake-To-Silence silencing future notifications.
See site for full changelog.
Voice Notify | 2147 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.3

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