Version: 2.9.3
File Size: 0.2Mb
WatchIt! Screenshots
WatchIt! Details
NOTE: Adaptations for Lollipop have been applied now, but some cases may work differently, so please email version of Android and whether you use Notification Access or Accessibility if you still have issues.WatchIt! will pickup up Notifications and Toasts from all your existing applications and display them for you in various ways.
Currently there is support for SmartWatch and SmartWatch 2 by Sony, MetaWatch, Smart Wireless Headset Pro (MW1), experimental support for Gear (not working) plus the DayDream feature of Android 4.2+ - see the screenshot above for an example of what is shown when an email arrives. This works on phones as well as tablets (and most likely anything else running 4.2) - select it as any other DayDream.
Just follow the instructions shown when you start the app to enable them and then fine tune.
(Also, the icon will watch over you and protect you from the evil eye.)
NOTE: You MUST turn on Accessibility for this app to work at all. For 4.3+ you may *instead* use Notification access - this avoids the Samsung firmware bugs (see below), but will not pick up Toasts. Your choice!
The DayDream is turned on separately in the usual place.
* In some cases voice feedback is activated, why?
This is a firmware bug in some phones. A workaround can be found here: - alternatively, use Notificaiton access under 4.3+.
* Some messages had duplicated text, why?
Notifications can have a ticker text that i shown along the top at creation time - this is shown on the watch as "Message [ Ticker ]". Usually the ticker text is a summary but sometimes (especially on older apps) it is the same. If it is identical it will be removed from the message, but sometimes it is only slightly different, then it my be shown as "John Doe Message [ John: Message ]" or similar.
* How do I change all the apps' settings from "Both"?
Just use the "Default App Setting" first - this applies to any app you have not explicitly set to some other value which is useful for future installs too!
Please encourage those who build the notifications to improve their messages if you want more text to be shown.
Please use the feedback button as it is impossible to respond to reviews.
LiveWare™ extension for SmartWatch
LiveWare™ extension for Smart Wireless Headset pro
Smart Connect extension for SmartWatch 2